Thursday 13 March 2014


Love, my dear, as everything else in this world comes with a price! No, I am not being shallow and cynical – I am telling you the truth, the sooner you realise it, the better. As a man you should know you have to pay for the woman beside you. Yes, you do, and most women are very expensive, depending on the currency you choose to pay with. No, it is not what you think, they don’t only accept pounds, euros or dollars. The currency to pay a woman with is just two types – money and emotions. Now, women come in different ranges, some are out of your league, some are completely out of your league and some you just have to manage. Overall though, there are 4 types of women who require different payments.
First is the lady that has set a high price for herself and would not only require financial, but also an emotional payment. She is looking for a man to treat her like a princess in all aspects – buy her jewellery and love her dearly. She expects you to be rich, single, smart, young, athletic, and handsome  gentleman or in other words – Prince Charming. She is like a Chanel bag – everybody wants her, but very few can afford her. Just like the bag, she is believed to be of a highest quality. If that is so or not, is left for you to decide. And in reality, very few men can afford to go for such a woman, because at the end of the day they become her slaves, financially and emotionally – it’s a though cookie, not every man can chew.
The second type is the lady who requires money payments in all world currencies. She doesn’t care about your looks, or age, or status, or behaviour, all she cares about is the size… the size of your wallet. She doesn’t mind that you don’t spend every day with her, that you don’t call and text to say good night or good morning, even that she might be your side chick, as long as every time you go out, you take her to a swanky place, drive a nice car and buy her all sorts of expensive unnecessary pampering stuff. If she is just your lover, it sounds like quite a pricey entertainment, eventually causing you loads of headache, but then again, there are men who like troubles and can afford them. If you marry this woman, you better be sure you are not going to run out of financial resources, because the moment your money is gone, she’s also gone. After all, she’s not there for your kind words and nice eyes, she likes your dollars, or pounds, or euros, whatever you pay her with… If you can’t pay for her love, then you are not getting it any more! Sounds like your cuppa tea?
Here comes the third type – the time and emotion consumer! Oh God, how much do men hate this woman!!! This is the lady looking for true love, the one that will tell you money doesn’t matter as long as you love her and show her with kind gestures. She will want to be with you as frequently as possible, she will tell you she is more important than your football game and she will expect you to be romantic, paying her compliments and making her feel like your only girl. And here it is the most terrible part – she demands from you to be faithful with your body and your mind! I mean, come on! Is she being serious – you are a man after all?! She will consume your time and emotions like a vacuum cleaner, but she will give you that unconditional love, which does not disappear under pressure from outside factors. She will forgive your mistakes and make sacrifices to make you feel a better man. She will turn you into a better man, except in the eyes of your friends who would probably think you are a softie, if you let a woman get under your skin and do whatever you can to make her happy. Can you handle it?
Last but not least is the fourth, super economy class type of women. She is a bit like an one-pound-shop product. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying all these women are bad quality, but if you are looking for love, getting such a woman might be a bit risky, just like getting an electric coupler from the one pound shop – it can easily catch fire and burn your house down. And you shouldn’t be surprised – she doesn’t take much from your money, neither from your time. She requires low financial and emotional maintenance. Sounds like the perfect woman! Like the dream girl! And because of that she is so dangerous. Practically, you are not giving her anything, so she will stay with you just as long as it pleases her. She doesn’t build any attachments to you and it is easy for her to leave you any time she decides to do so. She doesn’t  really love you, she likes you… she likes you a lot and she feels good with you, but if she gets bored, she is gone faster than the wind, breaking your heart because in your eyes she was the perfect woman. You will love her, but will she? Willing to take the risk?
It seems to me that I haven’t given you quite satisfying options to choose from. Yeah, I know, sorry if I broke somebody’s hopes of finding the ideal woman. Or maybe I helped somebody to realise what woman would be perfect for him. There will be also a bunch of girls, irritated by the fact they found themselves in one of the categories and screaming : “This is bullshit! I ain’t any of that!”. Sure, you ain’t, honey, in our own eyes we are all good enough for our men, but are we really? So, ladies, at what cost does your love come?
The ugly truth here is that you can’t really have something if you don’t pay for it. And as love is something vital, something we all need to function well, its price is always high. The currency you can pick yourself.

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